Hard-case vintage suitcases are fun to paint with acrylics and can be sealed to prevent scratching. I have seen tables made of them as well. But for now, I'm going to love Harold just the way he is and fill him full of pretty papers galore!
Meet Connie. She came to me thanks to Freecycle, a localized email list where stuff is given and received with no expectation of getting anything in return. After traveling the world, she became a dress-up trunk, holding fabulous dresses, glittery scarves, and heels far too big for their owner. Having outgrown her need for a dress-up up trunk, her owner wanted to find her a happy home instead of dumping her. She has kindly come my way. Connie is now my sweater case. Who needs a dresser when you have a handy dandy boyfriend to build you shelves and Freecycle as a resource for the perfect place for too many sweaters! See what is waiting to come your way or send something unwanted out to the world at Freecycle.org.